About Tom Woldum

Tom’s writing features deep-dives into data using a marketing perspective. Tom works to provide readers with an entertaining and informative read featuring a healthy dose of Purple Pragmatisim.

About the Author, from the author: “In addition to writing for PurplePTSD, I wear many other hats: Marketing Guru, Harmonica Player, Photographer, Writer, Tennis Player, MN Sports Junky, Dad & Grand Dude. I’ve been a Viking fan full of opinions since 1972, Published Writer since 1976, Award-Winning Screenwriter since 1982, Proud Parent since 1989, Unpublished Novelist since 1997, Lyricist/Lead Singer/Harp Player since 2005, Independent Marketing / Media Consultant since 2012, and Blogger since 2021. Follow me on Twitter, @TomWoldum.”

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