Looking for an Online Vikings Community to Join?!? Good News! Join Ours!

After a few dry runs, this time we’re ready and raring to go across our entire empire (that means purplePTSD.com AND VikingsTerritory.com) to finally establish what we think will (or at least could) be the best Vikings community online! The main component of that is our zero tolerance policy for any personal attacks from or on any of our community members. purplePTSD.com/VikingsTerritory.com attempt to be an oasis online for fans of the Purple and Gold, a place where the wide array of opinions and views can be expressed either in articles themselves or the comments section of those articles or our amazing following on sites like Facebook and/or Twitter and our message board will be an extension of that as a place where you can discuss your views even if they don’t jive with popular opinion or with what’s popular!

Creating an account is relatively easy, especially if you’re already following us on Twitter or Facebook. Even if you’re not, you can click HERE to create a free account in less than ten seconds!

While we do have sections that follow the NFL or Fantasy Football, we are first going to focus on the Vikings themselves. To check out the Vikings section of our message board, Click HERE.

If you already have an account, you can login HERE, as well!

Here are a few of the contents of the forum, which will have updates multiple times a day and comments and debates from writers from both purplePTSD.com and VikingsTerritory.com! So if you’ve been looking for an online Vikings community that prides itself on being fair and open to every opinion, please join us and together we can create something amazing!





